hackluCTF2024 - GYMNOTES
PWN Hey Pentester! We hired a professional developer to code our GymNotes and we were interested in you checking whether it has vulnerabilities or not. It should be har to find a bug, since our ...
PWN Hey Pentester! We hired a professional developer to code our GymNotes and we were interested in you checking whether it has vulnerabilities or not. It should be har to find a bug, since our ...
InnotecOS challenge writeup, part of Navaja Negra 2024 Con CTF. Reversing a modified DOS/MBR boot sector. Table of Contents Intro Easy way Hard way Intro This is a tipical revering en...
How to find hidden LKM Rootkits scanning kernel memory. Dissecting and defeating contemporary Linux rootkits. Table of Contents Evasion Detection LKM unhide Prevention Bypass Evasi...
Reversing The Legend of the Headless Horseman A mysterious figure has been terrorizing the village of Sleepy Hollow. He rides a massive horse, swings a mighty scythe and has been collecting head...
Reversing Climb this mountain and score some points :) Primeros pasos Para este se entrega un binario llamado “little”: $ file little little: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GN...
Reversing We have a really cool owl mascot, but there’s no really cool owl themed movies….well actually….there’s one. Primeros pasos Para este se entrega un binario llamado “guardian”, y la d...
One of NorzhNuclea’s developers joined the team last quarter, specialized in authentication systems he found one he developed a few years ago with a innovative obfuscation method. Find the correct ...
Super-secret container (Reversing) Has encontrado un pendrive con el símbolo del Consorcio Internacional Aeroespacial. Sólo contiene un fichero y parece contenter un gran secreto… ¿Serás capaz ...
Hace unos días, por el grupo de Telegram de nuestro equipo de CTF GRAIL TEAM, S nos propuso analizar un malware que había obtenido de un repositorio de samples. Esu23 y yo, que también estamos bast...
ret2win ret2win means ‘return here to win’ and it’s recommended you start with this challenge. Analizar el binario Por el nombre y la descripción del reto se entiende que hay que saltar a un...