Posts by Category


CCC - Guardian

We have a really cool owl mascot, but there’s no really cool owl themed movies….well actually….there’s one.

Secure Auth v0

One of NorzhNuclea’s developers joined the team last quarter, specialized in authentication systems he found one he developed a few years ago with a innovative obfuscation method. Find the correct password to validate the checks.


Reversing de un troyano en una prueba del CTF universitario de HTB + Cómo parchearlo para que vuelva a ser funcional

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HTB - FlippinBank

The Bank of the World is under attack. Hackers found a way in and locked the admins out. However, the netcat authentication by the intruders is not perfectly secure. Could you help the admins log in?

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Hace unos días, por el grupo de Telegram de nuestro equipo de CTF GRAIL TEAM, S nos propuso analizar un malware que había obtenido de un repositorio de samples. Esu23 y yo, que también estamos bastante interesados en el análisis de malware, aceptamos su propuesta sin pensarlo. En esta entrada os contaremos cómo fué nuestra aventura analizando esta muestra.

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ROP Emporium x64

Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges designed to teach ROP techniques in isolation, with minimal reverse-engineering or bug hunting.

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